How To Install Metasploit in Termux | Metasploit Termux Tutorial

What is Termux 

? Termux is a Linux Environment Android App created by Metasploit. It is compatible with both rooted and non-rooted Android devices. Termux is similar to Linux and can be used in the same way. It can be used for hacking and programming activities. You must first download Termux before installing Metasploit Framework. Termux is a free app available on the Google Play Store. You can get Termux from the link below.

What is Metasploit ?

Metasploit is a popular and powerful open-source tool for penetration testing and exploiting vulnerabilities, among other things. Metasploit is a penetrating testing tool written in Ruby. It's also used to get into computer networks. Some hackers use this framework for illicit hacking as well.

In Termux, instal the Metasploit Framework.

You must carefully follow the steps outlined below to instal Metasploit via github. Simply copy the commands mentioned below and paste them one by one into Termux.

Metasploit Termux Tutorial :-

1. First, run the command below to update your Termux Repository.
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
 2. Next, instal Metasploit's prerequisites..
pkg install wget curl openssh git -y
3. Run the command below to instal ncurses-utils.
apt install ncurses-utils
4. Now open Termux and download Metasploit.
5. Give the bash file permissions.
chmod +x
6. Run Metasploit using the command below.
It's over! Metasploit has been installed successfully in Termux.
If the previous command (step 6) does not work, you should try this one.
This is purely educational in nature. We do not condone or endorse illegal hacking, and we are not liable for any illegal activities.
Note ;This is purely educational in nature. 
We do not condone or endorse illegal hacking, and we are not liable for any illegal activities.

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