Is there any difference between Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security?

 Is there any difference between Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security?



Is there any difference between Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security?

The optimal security environment for users is provided by a mix of tools and abilities known as cyber security.

You have undoubtedly observed that when you reset your password, the website first verifies your identification and only then does it allow you to alter your password.

This will increase account security and shield it from illegal access.

Let's now discuss the software that you have set up on your computer to look for malware intrusions. The software alerts you right away whenever it discovers any dangerous activity. Increasing the security of your device is the same goal here.

Risk registration files are used to complete every step of this process. Each firm maintains a risk register file where all hazards are documented along with potential remedies to avoid any security breaches.

Cyber security’s Different Phases

As listed below, there are primarily four distinct phases of cyber security.
 The method of determining or comprehending numerous cyber security dangers to the system
and data
 Protect: Putting in place the necessary safeguards to guarantee data privacy.
 Detection of cyber security occurrences is the process of doing so.
 React: Taking the necessary steps in response to reported Cyber Security occurrences
A cyber security professional is the individual in charge of carrying out all of these duties.
Experts in cyber security must have a solid grasp of a wide range of subjects and be able to handle
difficulties like ransom ware, alert fatigue, kill chains, phishing attacks, zero-day attacks, etc.
You can read our posts on Cyber Security Tutorial and Ethical hacking Tutorial to understand more about
these topics.
Now that you are aware of what cyber security is, let's talk cyber security vs. hacking and discover how
we can safeguard our system by using the method known as ethical hacking.


Ethical hacking: What is it?

Let's say you've started an application and installed all the necessary security measures to keep it safe. But how can you be so certain that nobody can evade the security measures in your application?

You must unquestionably test it against all security flaws and determine whether or not the security rules are effective in protecting your system.

Ethical hacking is the practise of testing the system against all potential security flaws.


Cyber security, which primarily deals with identifying weaknesses in a system and resolving them before any hostile or black-hat hackers use them, includes ethical hacking.

To identify the system's flaws and let the organization know about them, testing and validating the system is the process. Later, the company will employ some cyber security experts to suggest safeguards to protect the data from any form of theft or fraud.

These experts in cyber security are also referred to as penetration testers.

To put it simply, ethical hacking is the process of getting beyond a company's security measures in order to identify and fix systemic flaws. Below is a list of the different advantages of ethical hacking.


Ethical hacking advantages

  • Penetration testing makes it simple to identify and fix a system's weak points.
  • To avoid security breaches, you can put fixes for vulnerabilities into practice.
  • Data theft by "black-hat hackers" is prevented through ethical hacking. Continuous assessments assist to secure networks.
  • If the security of the data and the system is properly maintained, clients and investors will have faith in your business.
  • Considering that both ethical hacking and cyber security aim to safeguard the system from malicious attacks, you might be assuming that they are the same thing.

But there is a distinction between cyber security and ethical hacking. In the section after this one, we'll go into more detail comparing ethical hacking and cyber security.

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Ethical hacking vs. Internet security

It is now time to examine Cyber Security vs. Ethical Hacking after knowing what Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security represent. While maintaining the security of the system and the data is their shared goal, there are some variances between the two.

Data security, digital forensics, ethical hacking, and many more network and information security techniques are all included in the broad field of cyber security. Therefore, we can argue that Cyber Security includes ethical hacking.

When "white-hat hackers" hack a system, they do it with the same tools as "black-hat" hackers, but with a different goal in mind. In an ethical hacking scenario, the system is protected by the hacker.

On the other side, cyber security specialists don't need to break into the system. It is their responsibility to safeguard the system by taking all reasonable precautions.

Ethical hackers employ offensive security measures, while cyber security professionals employ defensive security measures, to put it simply.

Take this as an example. Let's say you've developed an app similar to Uber that generates and stores a lot of consumer data daily. Any malevolent hacker can utilize these records to carry out shady deeds including making a lot of fictitious requests, getting access to users' online payment account information, and many more.

The cyber security specialist will attempt to defend the application in this case by taking the necessary precautions, or alternatively, he or she will merely tell the owner of the attack.

An ethical hacker will attempt to attack the programmer while you watch, will let you know how he could break into the system, and may even provide a fix.

Ethical hacking is similar to deliberately attempting to break into a system to see how it would react to such destructive acts.

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Ethical hacking and cyber security have different purposes.

You are now aware of the key distinctions between cyber security and ethical hacking. Let's go and comprehend the many functions performed by cyber security specialists and ethical hackers.

To succeed in your interview, go over these ethical hacking interview questions and answers.

Cybersecurity specialist and ethical hacker roles

Ethical hacking, on the other hand, is carried out by "ethical" hackers who are genuine or legal hackers, and it is their responsibility to carry out hacking with the owner's consent and to produce a report about the hack.

However, cyber security is overseen by professionals whose major objective is to protect the system from hostile activity. Their responsibility is to routinely monitor the system and respond defensively to any attempts to circumvent the security mechanism.

The tasks of a cyber security specialist are as follows:

  • A cyber security expert's primary responsibility is to conduct routine audits and identify system inefficiencies.
  • To strengthen the security system, a cyber security specialist must adopt the most effective technology.
  • He or she should carry out routine maintenance to keep the security system current.
  • Only suitable access privileges must be granted by the expert to ensure enhanced system security.
  • The organization must be informed of the effects of malicious attacks.
  • The role of a cyber security specialist is to make numerous recommendations for enhancing the security system.

Let's look at the responsibilities of an ethical hacker now:

  • A system's performance is assessed by an ethical hacker who checks it for various security flaws.
  • The expert must evaluate the company's security system and offer suggestions for improvements.
  • He or she should do routine pen tests on the network, web application, and/or system to see if the security system can be breached.
  • When identifying the vulnerabilities, he or she should produce reports and offer comments after the problems have been fixed.
  • The expert must also let the company know how the assault might damage its users and operations.
  • He or she should apply the hacking technique to offer fixes for the system's flaws.

You can say that an ethical hacker and a cyber security specialist may share the same goal of protecting the system, but they employ different techniques to do it. Let's continue this blog post about cyber security vs. ethical hacking and determine which is superior: cyber security or ethical hacking.

Boost Your Cyber Security Career

In this blog post on "Cyber Security vs. Ethical Hacking," we learned the fundamentals of both practises, as well as the various phases of cyber security, the advantages of ethical hacking, the distinction between a cyber security engineer and an ethical hacker, and finally, the distinction between ethical hacking and cyber security. To clarify the differences between the two employment responsibilities, we also reviewed the varied functions played by cyber security specialists and ethical hackers.

Experts anticipate that the US$170 billion cyber security market will soon reach maturity as a result of the field's rapid growth.

Over the past few years, it has been observed that the average compensation of cyber security experts is significantly more than that of IT professionals, with a 9 percent difference.

Every firm will require a trained and knowledgeable cyber security professional to safeguard their important data as the world transitions to a digital economy, and the field of cyber security will undoubtedly experience exponential growth.

Both Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking have a wide range of applications, and both professions pay well. In India, an ethical hacker may expect to make between 4.5 LPA and 12 LPA per year, and between US$6,100 and US$16,000 per year in the United States. While the average annual pay for a cyber security professional in the United States is between $10,000 and $33,000 and 8 LPA to 25 LPA in India.

Despite the fact that chances and pay are increasing daily, this industry still lacks qualified workers. As a result, many businesses encourage their staff to advance their professional skills. Obtain your certification and seize this chance!

Check out our ethical hacking training in Delhi to master the fundamentals of ethical hacking.


 Ethical Hacking,ethical hacking

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